Corporate news // 02.07.2019 // DECTRIS

ADANI announces a new X-ray powder diffractometer equipped with the MYTHEN2 1D detector

ADANI and DECTRIS are pleased to announce the PowDiX 600, a benchtop diffractometer for X-ray powder diffraction applications.

“ADANI has a long tradition of developing solutions for the most demanding X-ray applications: security and medical. These high demands have also lead us in the development of our powder diffractometer”, explains Dr. Iouri Emelianov, the Head of Applied Physics Division at ADANI. “Our PowDiX 600 is a user-friendly, reliable and fast instrument, suited for applications in industry and academia.”     

The PowDiX 600 is designed in theta-theta reflection geometry, covering a range between -12 and 155° in 2θ. A choice of several available X-ray sources and sample stages make the instrument customizable to the needs of a specific application.

“The wide angular coverage and the microstrip architecture of the MYTHEN2 R 1D detector allowed us to implement step and continuous scan modes for data collection. The end user can define the number of strips used for the measurement, which gives them the possibility to operate the detector in 0D or 1D mode” explains Dr. Emelianov.

Using the MYTHEN2 R 1D, data can be collected in a matter of minutes. Data analysis includes Rietveld and Pawley algorithms, two crystallographic databases, and algorithms for calculating crystallite size and quantification of mixtures. Non-experts and aspiring diffractionists can rely on pre-optimized data collection and data analysis, while the experts have a possibility to define their measurements and data processing strategies.

“The combination of ADANI’s smart design and flexible software and DECTRIS’ MYTHEN2 detector makes the PowDiX 600 a great choice for industry, laboratory and teaching purposes ”, comments Dr. Dubravka Sisak Jung, application scientist at DECTRIS. “We are proud that a company renowned for its high-end medical and security X-ray solutions has chosen DECTRIS as their partner in XRD business.”

“The PowDix 600 will be launched in fall 2019 and we are confident that a variety of users will recognize the potential of its features. In the coming months we are planning to display the PowDiX on the conferences to introduce XRD to customers and partners from crystallographic society and follow the latest technological trends to find better solutions for some challenging applications” says Liliya Bui, the Director of the Analytical Instruments Department at ADANI. “We are looking forward to the long and successful life cycle of the PowDiX and our business with DECTRIS.”


ADANI is a world-class high-technology corporation offering an unique product range of X-ray security screening systems, medical X-ray equipment, benchtop analytical instruments and NDT systems.

Founded in 1991 by Dr. Vladimir Linev, ADANI built its reputation on customer-focused disruptive development. Products manufactured by ADANI improve health safety, life quality and security to people from more than 70 countries over the world.


DECTRIS is the global market leader at synchrotrons, and our efficient detector systems help scientists achieve high-quality results also in their own laboratories. DECTRIS electron detectors create unique opportunities in materials science, and we offer novel solutions for medical applications. We support researchers everywhere from our offices in Switzerland and the United States.

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